
Deepen Your Practice

At it’s earliest, yoga was a practice that was shared one-to-one in a teacher student exchange. The teacher leading the student into the depths of the practice–and the depths of themselves–through careful attention and loving guidance.

As a private yoga teacher for many, many years, Danielle has had the pleasure of witnessing dozens of clients blossom and transform through the dedicated practice that is private yoga.

From overcoming anxiety and building self-esteem, to recovering from injury and navigating the process of grief, the benefits of private yoga are endless.

This front row seat to transformation has been the most rewarding aspect of Danielle’s work. As all relationships take two, each client’s commitment and focus feed her passion to teach, and as joy grows in each of her students, it grows in her as well.

Danielle works privately with some of the most talented individuals including Grammy-award winning artists, Fortune 500 executives, tech entrepreneurs, individuals with chronic pain and everyday yogis looking for a deeper practice.  She is a 500 hour certified in Yoga Therapy from Loyola Marymount University that combines a scientific Western-medicine approach with Eastern yogic-practices.   


Schedule your one-on-one

If you’re interested in deepening your practice with some private lessons, reach out to me via the link below and we can set up a time. I truly look forward to working with you one-on-one to explore the potential for deep self-knowing, peace and joy in your life.



My yoga practice morphed so quickly under Danielle’s care. I feel more in my body today, than ever. Thank you times a million, D xo
— Jessica W.